HSOG Launching Brand New Former Pupil Magazine

With the start of a new year, comes a brand new HSOG magazine!

We’re delighted to share that we are relaunching our Former Pupil magazine, and to do so we need your help!

Have you recently become engaged or married? Welcomed a new family member? Graduated from university, started a new job or received some exciting career news? Perhaps you’ve launched a new business venture? Travelled to a faraway land or lived abroad? Taken part in an exciting sporting feat? Raised money or used your spare time to help out a charity? If so, we’d love to hear from you, and to share your story with our global HSOG community.

We so enjoy reconnecting with former pupils, and following your success in the myriad of fields you choose once you leave the High School. So if you’re interested in sharing your stories and pictures, please email: community@hsog.co.uk.

Sursum Semper!