Un-FORE-gettable day for The High School of Glasgow Charity Golf Day 2022
On Friday 10 June, The High School of Glasgow held its fifth annual Charity Golf Day at Milngavie Golf Club, raising over £5,000 in aid of the Bursary Fund.
After a 3 year Covid-related hiatus, we were delighted to bring back this highly anticipated competition. Teams included current and former parents, former pupils and friends of the High School.

The winners of the day with a net score of 56 and awarded the recently named Elaine Adair Memorial Trophy, was the team consisting of Kerr Docherty, Campbell Docherty, Callum Docherty and Calum Woolard. The runners up were Murdoch Ferguson, David Barrett, David Calderwood and Allan Snedden, with Euan Bodie, Ken Morrice, Rory Cleat and Andrew Jardine coming in third place.
With bacon rolls, tea and coffee and even a glass of fizz on arrival, the day got off to a splendid start! The High School of Glasgow Pipe Band piped players out to the first tee creating a real feeling of excitement in the air as golfers warmed up their putting skills and posed for group photos.
What followed was a tremendous afternoon of golf, conditions started well, albeit a bit windy! For much of the day the rain stayed off before a downpour of biblical proportions mid-afternoon which saw golfers running for cover. Luckily it didn’t last long and it certainly provided something to laugh about once warm and dry in the clubhouse!
Across the 18 holes, there were a number of competitions including Beat the Pro with Andrew Hutchison from Douglas Park Golf Club, longest drive on the fairway and closest to the pin sponsored by Andrew Thompson from Thompson Quarries. Former pupils Duncan Frew and John Hannay from Replay Activate generously provided a complimentary bar for the day, keeping spirits high and golfers suitably hydrated across the course.

In true Adair fashion, former HSOG Charity Golf Day champions were unmissable in eye-catching fluorescent yellow outfits. In addition to garish garbs, Brian and Scott Adair, were a huge help to the High School staff in ensuring the day was a big success and everything ran smoothly.
By the early evening, all teams had returned to the clubhouse to enjoy an evening of food, drink and catching up. An exciting auction led by Allan Snedden saw guests bidding for hospitality at Manchester United’s VIP Hospitality (donated by Neil Watson at Carinhill Structures Ltd) and a four-ball at Gleneagles (donated by Adam Clark at Arnold Clark). The Four-Ball raffle gave guests the chance to win a four ball at a number of top golf courses including Western Gailes and Crail Golfing Society, while the general raffle included tickets to the Arnold Clark box at the Hydro for Kevin Bridges (donated by John Clark at Arnold Clark), designer sunglasses (donated by Peter Ivins Eye Care) and much more.
Karen McDonald, Head of External Relations at The High School of Glasgow, said: “Many thanks to everyone for making the HSOG Charity Golf Day 2022 another success. To the teams who took part, the individuals who generously donated prizes, the individuals who helped ensure the smooth running of the day, we thank you. We couldn’t host this event without the input of you all and after years of disruption we were so pleased to be able to bring this back.
“Money raised from the day goes towards our Bursary Fund, which is critical in allowing us to continue to offer places to talented but less financially fortunate young people.”
Highlights from the HSOG Charity Golf Day 2022 can be found here: